
 People are like acorns, already containing all the potential to grow into a magnificent oak tree – they just need encouragement and nourishment to grow towards the light.

John Whitworth



– Autism resources for parents, teachers and caregivers. *USA focused.

– 10 steps to excellent NDIS therapy reports.

– Support budgets in your plan.

– Top 5 reasons why people don’t spend their NDIS budgets.

Book your FREE consultation

(new enquiries only)

Feel free to contact me via email or skype to set up an initial 30 minute complimentary
appointment. During this appointment I will:

  • Ask you to briefly explain your situation
  • Answer your coaching questions
  • Explain in more depth my services, how coaching works and the framework for the ‘next step’ from there

Contact form

As per my privacy policy, your information is secure with me.

Sarah MacDermott

Certified Special Needs Life Coach
BAppSc (SpPath), MA (Education)

0439 865 400